Light Calligraphy

For his series "Light Calligraphy" (2004), Kyungwoo Chun asked young calligraphy students from Seoul to write a text in the air with the help of a light pen as if they had a sheet of (rice) paper in front of them. The work plays reflexively with the traditional designation of photography as the "drawing pen of light" and the understanding that photographic images are an emanation of reality. He questions the concept of drawings and signs humorously and poetically by writing the texts here by hand as a free trace of light in the air.
The exposure time and thus the period of writing correspond to the age of the writers. During the minutes that result from the time of their previous age, the calligraphers could write as much text as they wanted. Here, temporality inscribes itself proverbially and in reality, in multiple ways in the conception, execution and reception of Kyungwoo Chun's "Light Calligraphy" by means of traces of light in space, thereby reflecting basic parameters of photography in an multilayered way.

Light Calligraphy #2
Light Calligraphy #2, 2004
Light Calligraphy #3
Light Calligraphy #3, 2004
Light Calligraphy #4
Light Calligraphy #4, 2004
Light Calligraphy #5
Light Calligraphy #5, 2004
Light Calligraphy #1
Light Calligraphy #1, 2004

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