In the work group “Skylines Tag” Peters assembles natural themes like set pieces in front of a white background. The latter downright entirely absorbs the viewer’s attention. The landscapes were photographed horizontally to begin with, then cut out digitally and placed in a slim portrait format in order to deliberately focus the viewer’s gaze on the visual content.
This arrangement carries a certain degree of artificiality: The tall format pushes the subject matter to the lower edge of the image; It appears unnatural, as though wrested from its proper context. The contours of the dune landscapes, beaches or rocks appear to be dissolving on the horizon, the line that separates subject matter and background. There is a certain sense of disorientation here, akin to the one that sets in when we gaze at the clouds for too long. Through his choice of imagery, Peters creates a new perspective onto visual classification systems for the representation of landscape. As in “Skylines bei Nacht” the artist continues to work on this series and augment it conceptually.