
The SIMULTAN series by the Korean artist Kyungwoo Chun consists of photographs that are always arranged in dyptiches and juxtapose groups of people of the same age from two different perspectives.

In this series, Chun's dialog-oriented working method is expanded to include a larger group of protagonists. The two shots that make up the diptychs were taken simultaneously with two differently positioned cameras as a long exposure during the dialogue. The participants were aware that they were being observed from two angles. In this way the artist makes the multifaceted relationship between you and the dialogue taking place visible at the same time.

The long exposure shows the image viewer a condensed situation which is not perceptible in reality. The viewer is given a new perspective on the portrayed in the diptychs, which calls his own perspective into question.
Kyungwoo Chun plays with the experience of a beholder that events are interpreted differently by the individual point of view of each individual and that we are therefore repeatedly confronted with misunderstandings. In this exhibition, the viewers do not remember a clear picture of an exhibited photo, but only the experience of two pictures hanging next to each other, which are combined in their memory to form a separate picture.

In contrast to the illusion of the sequence of movements created in cinematography, Chun experiments with two simultaneous perspectives which result in an uninterrupted condensation of time and dialogue in a given period of time and in two images.

Chun's works raise questions about the presentation possibilities of the media video and photography. They create an interaction between the rendering and the imagination of what is shown and what has disappeared.

Simultan #4
Simultan #4, 2010
Simultan #5
Simultan #5, 2010
Simultan #6
Simultan #6, 2010
Simultan #7
Simultan #7, 2010
Simultan #8
Simultan #8, 2010
Simultan #9
Simultan #9, 2010
Simultan #10
Simultan #10, 2010
Simultan #1
Simultan #1, 2010
Simultan #2
Simultan #2, 2010
Simultan #3
Simultan #3, 2010

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